美國加州大學河濱校區(University of California, Riverside)舞蹈史暨理論博士
加拿大約克大學((York University)舞蹈藝術碩士
2019, Co-Convener, Choreography and Corporeality Working Group, International Federation of Theatre Research (IFTR), Shanghai, China
2019~present, Executive Board of Directors, Taiwan Dance Research Society (TDRS)
2017-2018, President, Taiwan Dance Research Society
2016-2018, Chairperson, International Master’s Program in Cultural and Creative Industries (IMCCI), TNUA
2014-2015, Executive Director, IMCCI, TNUA
2013, Co-chair, Congress on Research in Dance (CORD) & Society of Dance History Scholars (SDHS) Joint Dance Conference, Riverside, CA, USA
2011, Co-chair of the 10thTaishin Arts Award Final Jury, Taipei, Taiwan
2008-2014, Director, Society of Dance History Scholars (SDHS) Board, USA
2005-2006, Director, TNUA Center for Arts Resources and Educational Outreach
2005-2006, Director, TNUA Traditional Arts Research Center (Renamed: The Future Past Lab in 2015)
2004-2005, Co-Executive Director, Asia-Pacific Arts Festival and Forum, Taipei National University of the Arts and Traditional Arts Center (Yilan, Taiwan)
國立臺北藝術大學109學年度教學優良教師 (2021)
- 藝術節慶、當代舞蹈
- 東亞與東南亞的當代表演研究
1. Monograph
2015, Sino-Corporealities:Contemporary Choreographies from Taipei, Hong Kong, and New York (Taipei National University of the Arts)
2. Articles/Book Chapters
2020, “Situating Digital Performance in Twenty-First Century Taiwan: Huang Yi & KUKA,” in Corporeal Politics, Katherine Mezur and Emily Wilcox, editors. University of Michigan Press (forthcoming) .
2019, “Sino-Corporealities華身論,” forthcoming. in Keywords for Taiwan Theory. Shumei Shih et al, editors. Taipei. (forthcoming)
2019, “Lin Hwai-min’s Social Choreography of Formosa: A Letter of Confession,” in Journal of Dance Society for Documentation and History, Seoul. (forthcoming)
2018, “Introduction: Sino-Corporealities,” in the Journal of Aesthetics Education) 226 (Nov.): 2-3, National Taiwan Arts Education Center: Taipei.
2016, “Corporeal translation across borders: Indigenous choreographer Bulareyaung Pagarlava and his Warriors,” in Choreographic Practices 7.2:255-277, Intellect Press.
2016, “Digital Performance in Twenty-First Century Taiwan: Huang Yi & KUKA, a New Form of Sino-Corporeality,”in Arts Review 31:1-39, Taipei National University Press.
2013, Editor, Interviewer and author, “Introduction to Taishin Award winning TNUA alumni choreographer/dance artists: Cheng Tsung-lung & Su Wen-chi, in Neo-Artists (in Chinese). TNUA Press.
2012, “Roots and Routes of Cloud Gate Dance Theatre’s Nine Songs(1993)” in Identity and Diversity: Celebrating Dance in Taiwan,Wang Yunyu & Stephanie Burridge, editors. 147-160. India & UK: Routledge Press.
2012, “Reflections and Insights on Officially and Privately Sponsored Art Festivals of Hong Kong,” in Journal of Aesthetics Education, 189: 32-37.National Taiwan Arts Education Center: Taipei.
2010, “Choreographing a Flexible Taiwan: Cloud Gate Dance Theatre and Taiwan’s Changing identity” In the Routledge Dance Studies Reader (2nd Ed.), Alexandra Carter and Janet O’Shea, editors. 250-260. Routledge Press.
2009, “Choreographing a Flexible Taiwan: Cloud Gate Dance Theatre and Taiwan’s Changing identity” (French version),In Danses et identités : de Bombay à Tokyo,127-140. Pantin: Centre National de la Danse.
2007, Pina Bausch: Dancing for the World (in Chinese). Editor and co-writer. Taipei: National Chiang Kai-shek Cultural Center, R.O.C.
2007, “Towards Constructing a Nation? Taiwanese Folk Ritual on International Concert Stages,” in Dialogues in Dance Discourse: Creating Dance in Asia Pacific. Mohd Anis Md Nor, editor. 15-32. World Dance Alliance—Asia Pacific; Cultural Centre University of Malaya; & Ministry of Culture, Arts and Heritage Malaysia.
2005, “Corporealizing Taiwan’s History: Cloud Gate Dance Theatre’s Portrait of the Families (1997) and Beyond,” in Lin Hwai-min International Dance Conference Proceedings: Chang Chung-Shiuan and Yatin Lin, editors. 92-103 (English) & 228-235 (Chinese). Council for Cultural Affairs & Taipei National University of the Arts.
3. Book Review
2014, “Kinesthetic City: Dance and Movement in Chinese Urban Spacesby SanSan Kwan,” Dance Research Journal 46 (I): 129-132. Congress on Research in Dance (CORD).
2018~present, “Critical Ecologies: Body and Indigeniety,” a TNUA Shared Campus project, with partners from the Zurich University of the Arts, Hong Kong City University, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, and Linnaeus University (Sweden).
2017~present, “Hi Five International League for Learning: Art as a Medium for Cross-Cultural Understanding and Communication,” Higher Education Sprout Project, Ministry of Education, Taiwan.
2011~present, “ArtsCross Project: Practice and Research,” with partners from Middlesex University, Exeter University, Queen Mary University of London, and Beijing Dance Academy (China).
2009-2012, Lead Investigator (with Dr. Sal Murgiyanto and Dr. Chifang Chao) on “Body Performativity Interwoven between Tradition and Modernity: A Comparative Research of Dance and Festivals in the Asia Pacific Region,” a subproject under Dr. Kun-Liang Chiu’s “Arts Festivals, Locality and Mobility: A Cross-Cultural Investigation on Taiwan ‘Arts Festivals’.” National Science Council three year project. #NSC 98-2420-H-119-011-MY3
畢業年度 | 姓名 | 學位 | 論文名稱 | 共同指導 |
112 | Clarissa Bongiovanni Lopes | 碩士 | 21 世紀巴西的華文譯著出版 | |
111 | Natnaree Riewpaiboon | 碩士 | 孕育文化生態:泰國東北的丹塞社區案例分析 | |
111 | 范小娟 | 碩士 | 「越南藝術家團體與獨立藝術空間在1990年代至今推動藝術表現自由及文化多樣性之角色探析」 | 與高森信男共同指導 |
109 | 那琪 | 碩士 | 新冠病毒與新冠皇室:劇本《天賦皇權》比喻與表現之脈絡分析 | |
107 | 喜美納 | 碩士 | 加林多展演中的公民權:對瓜地馬拉婦女暴力行為的見證 | |
105 | 阿德拉 | 碩士 | 臺灣文化外交實踐——以斯洛伐克為例 | |
105 | 黃雅文 | 碩士 | 寂寞之聲:藝術行動展覽之策展與規劃 | |
105 | 康思凡 | 碩士 | 文化活動做為城市振興機制——以巴拉圭亞松森市的歷史中心為例 | |
104 | 柯鴻勢 | 碩士 | 創客運動對臺灣中小企業的影響 | |
103 | 榮潭雅 | 碩士 | 臺灣兒童音樂劇《法蘭茲與好朋友們海底歷險記》的行銷策略:以加拿大市場為例 | |
102 | 李安廷 | 碩士 | 非傳統博物館學在台灣:以國立歷史博物館為例 | |
102 | 馬賀博 | 碩士 | 初探來臺藝術家的駐村經驗:以竹圍工作室,臺北藝術村,和關渡美術館為例 | |
101 | 辜妍貞 | 碩士 | 視丘攝影藝術學院實習報告:以裝置藝術促進台灣社會中的當代攝影 | |
101 | 明亞萊 | 碩士 | 實習報告:九歌兒童劇團之經營與管理 | |
101 | 鄭華力 | 碩士 | 在地行動,全球連結: 新北市竹圍工作室實習報告 |
畢業年度 | 姓名 | 學位 | 論文名稱 | 共同指導 |
98 | 沈家如 | 碩士 | 黑翅揚起新觀《天鵝湖》之黑天鵝角色的可能性 |
畢業年度 | 姓名 | 學位 | 論文名稱 | 共同指導 |
97 | 伍致潔 | 碩士 | 臺灣現代舞蹈團體的檔案保存與管理之研究——兼論「國家舞蹈中心」建構之必要性 | 與廖仁義共同指導 |
畢業年度 | 姓名 | 學位 | 論文名稱 | 共同指導 |
111 | 劉靄淇 | 碩士 | 女性角色的自我反思和梳理 —— 《系》創作報告 | |
110 | 袁文彬 | 博士 | 傳統與記憶:廣東梅州客家傳統舞蹈席獅、杯花和船燈的演變 | |
109 | 王怡湘 | 碩士 | 內在療癒的創作實踐——《致 樂土》 | |
109 | 李婷安 | 碩士 | 從舞蹈畢業製作【我們】探索身體表演之歷程 | |
108 | 許生翰 | 碩士 | 創作論述,解析《我的孤獨排除在你之外》 | |
107 | 王昱程 | 碩士 | 舞蹈構作顧問實踐研究——人類世與因地制宜的舞蹈創作 | |
107 | 許書銓 | 碩士 | 【軀殼】畢業製作——以就地創作探索舞動的身體 | 與王如萍共同指導 |
106 | 鄭伊涵 | 碩士 | 「更衣間」探索肢體尋找自我之歷程 | |
105 | 朱星朗 | 碩士 | 寫在【憶逝.意識】之後 | |
105 | 蔡采晴 | 碩士 | 「觀」的體現:以無垢舞蹈劇場肢體開發班經驗為例 | |
104 | 許程崴 | 碩士 | 許程崴 ——【來跳舞吧!】創作報告 | |
103 | 楊甯 | 碩士 | 從 【Life Show】——探索自我身體表演之歷程 | |
101 | 袋摩道 | 碩士 | 開啟、創造空間、轉化——舞蹈-劇場實踐之儀式 | |
98 | 鄧安琪 | 碩士 | 與孤獨同行——探討周書毅舞作中的自我主體意識 | |
96 | 鄧竹君 | 碩士 | 舞作中之意境與生命情懷——試以旅人編舞家張曉雄的三部舞作為例探討生命歷程與舞蹈之關係 |