Name Dissertation Title Dissertation Advisor Graduation Year
Chen, I-Fen Cook for You: Constructing the Discourse of Taiwanese Han “Women Foodways” Lin, Shaw-Ren 2022
Guo, Qian Art Institutions in the Context of Contemporary Art in China: The Concept and Practice of OCAT Art Museums (2005-2020) Chang, Wan-Chen 2021
Hsu, Shu-Hua Research on the Evaluation Indicators of International Arts and Cultural Activities on Urban Development – Taking 2016 Taipei World Design Capital as an example Lin, Shaw-Ren
Lin, Yung-Neng
Ku, Yu-Ling Commemorating the Past, Reflecting on the Present: The Historical Narratives and Collective Memories of Labor Memorials in Taiwan Chen, Chia-Li 2019
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