Lin, Ya-Ting

Professor, Dean Office of International Affairs
Ph.D., Dance History and Theory, University of California, Riverside, USA
Fields of Research
Arts Festivals, Contemporary Dance





Theses Supervised

Current Position


Educational Qualifications

美國加州大學河濱校區(University of California, Riverside)舞蹈史暨理論博士
加拿大約克大學((York University)舞蹈藝術碩士

Academic Experience & Professional Activities

2019, Co-Convener, Choreography and Corporeality Working Group, International Federation of Theatre Research (IFTR), Shanghai, China
2019~present, Executive Board of Directors, Taiwan Dance Research Society (TDRS)
2017-2018, President, Taiwan Dance Research Society
2016-2018, Chairperson, International Master’s Program in Cultural and Creative Industries (IMCCI), TNUA
2014-2015, Executive Director, IMCCI, TNUA
2013, Co-chair, Congress on Research in Dance (CORD) & Society of Dance History Scholars (SDHS) Joint Dance Conference, Riverside, CA, USA
2011, Co-chair of the 10thTaishin Arts Award Final Jury, Taipei, Taiwan
2008-2014, Director, Society of Dance History Scholars (SDHS) Board, USA
2005-2006, Director, TNUA Center for Arts Resources and Educational Outreach
2005-2006, Director, TNUA Traditional Arts Research Center (Renamed: The Future Past Lab in 2015)
2004-2005, Co-Executive Director, Asia-Pacific Arts Festival and Forum, Taipei National University of the Arts and Traditional Arts Center (Yilan, Taiwan)

  • 藝術節慶、當代舞蹈
  • 東亞與東南亞的當代表演研究

1. Monograph

2015, Sino-Corporealities:Contemporary Choreographies from Taipei, Hong Kong, and New York (Taipei National University of the Arts)

2. Articles/Book Chapters

2020, “Situating Digital Performance in Twenty-First Century Taiwan: Huang Yi & KUKA,” in Corporeal Politics, Katherine Mezur and Emily Wilcox, editors. University of Michigan Press (forthcoming) .

2019, “Sino-Corporealities華身論,” forthcoming. in Keywords for Taiwan Theory. Shumei Shih et al, editors. Taipei. (forthcoming)

2019, “Lin Hwai-min’s Social Choreography of Formosa: A Letter of Confession,” in Journal of Dance Society for Documentation and History, Seoul. (forthcoming)

2018, “Introduction: Sino-Corporealities,” in the Journal of Aesthetics Education) 226 (Nov.): 2-3, National Taiwan Arts Education Center: Taipei.

2016, “Corporeal translation across borders: Indigenous choreographer Bulareyaung Pagarlava and his Warriors,” in Choreographic Practices 7.2:255-277, Intellect Press.

​2016, “Digital Performance in Twenty-First Century Taiwan: Huang Yi & KUKA, a New Form of Sino-Corporeality,”in Arts Review 31:1-39, Taipei National University Press.

2013, Editor, Interviewer and author, “Introduction to Taishin Award winning TNUA alumni choreographer/dance artists: Cheng Tsung-lung & Su Wen-chi, in Neo-Artists (in Chinese). TNUA Press.

2012, “Roots and Routes of Cloud Gate Dance Theatre’s Nine Songs(1993)” in Identity and Diversity: Celebrating Dance in Taiwan,Wang Yunyu & Stephanie Burridge, editors. 147-160. India & UK: Routledge Press.

​2012, “Reflections and Insights on Officially and Privately Sponsored Art Festivals of Hong Kong,” in Journal of Aesthetics Education, 189: 32-37.National Taiwan Arts Education Center: Taipei.

2010, “Choreographing a Flexible Taiwan: Cloud Gate Dance Theatre and Taiwan’s Changing identity” In the Routledge Dance Studies Reader (2nd Ed.), Alexandra Carter and Janet O’Shea, editors. 250-260. Routledge Press.

2009, “Choreographing a Flexible Taiwan: Cloud Gate Dance Theatre and Taiwan’s Changing identity” (French version),In Danses et identités : de Bombay à Tokyo,127-140. Pantin: Centre National de la Danse.

2007, Pina Bausch: Dancing for the World (in Chinese). Editor and co-writer. Taipei: National Chiang Kai-shek Cultural Center, R.O.C.

2007, “Towards Constructing a Nation? Taiwanese Folk Ritual on International Concert Stages,” in Dialogues in Dance Discourse: Creating Dance in Asia Pacific. Mohd Anis Md Nor, editor. 15-32. World Dance Alliance—Asia Pacific; Cultural Centre University of Malaya; & Ministry of Culture, Arts and Heritage Malaysia.

2005, “Corporealizing Taiwan’s History: Cloud Gate Dance Theatre’s Portrait of the Families (1997) and Beyond,” in Lin Hwai-min International Dance Conference Proceedings: Chang Chung-Shiuan and Yatin Lin, editors. 92-103 (English) & 228-235 (Chinese). Council for Cultural Affairs & Taipei National University of the Arts.

​3. Book Review

2014, “Kinesthetic City: Dance and Movement in Chinese Urban Spacesby SanSan Kwan,” Dance Research Journal 46 (I): 129-132. Congress on Research in Dance (CORD).

2018~present, “Critical Ecologies: Body and Indigeniety,” a TNUA Shared Campus project, with partners from the Zurich University of the Arts, Hong Kong City University, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, and Linnaeus University (Sweden).

2017~present, “Hi Five International League for Learning: Art as a Medium for Cross-Cultural Understanding and Communication,” Higher Education Sprout Project, Ministry of Education, Taiwan.

2011~present, “ArtsCross Project: Practice and Research,” with partners from Middlesex University, Exeter University, Queen Mary University of London, and Beijing Dance Academy (China).

2009-2012, Lead Investigator (with Dr. Sal Murgiyanto and Dr. Chifang Chao) on “Body Performativity Interwoven between Tradition and Modernity: A Comparative Research of Dance and Festivals in the Asia Pacific Region,” a subproject under Dr. Kun-Liang Chiu’s “Arts Festivals, Locality and Mobility: A Cross-Cultural Investigation on Taiwan ‘Arts Festivals’.” National Science Council three year project. #NSC 98-2420-H-119-011-MY3



畢業年度 姓名 學位 論文名稱 共同指導
109 那琪 碩士 新冠病毒與新冠皇室:劇本《天賦皇權》比喻與表現之脈絡分析
107 喜美納 碩士 加林多展演中的公民權:對瓜地馬拉婦女暴力行為的見證
105 阿德拉 碩士 臺灣文化外交實踐——以斯洛伐克為例
105 黃雅文 碩士 寂寞之聲:藝術行動展覽之策展與規劃
105 康思凡 碩士 文化活動做為城市振興機制——以巴拉圭亞松森市的歷史中心為例
104 柯鴻勢 碩士 創客運動對臺灣中小企業的影響
103 榮潭雅 碩士 臺灣兒童音樂劇《法蘭茲與好朋友們海底歷險記》的行銷策略:以加拿大市場為例
102 李安廷 碩士 非傳統博物館學在台灣:以國立歷史博物館為例
102 馬賀博 碩士 初探來臺藝術家的駐村經驗:以竹圍工作室,臺北藝術村,和關渡美術館為例
101 辜妍貞 碩士 視丘攝影藝術學院實習報告:以裝置藝術促進台灣社會中的當代攝影
101 明亞萊 碩士 實習報告:九歌兒童劇團之經營與管理
101 鄭華力 碩士 在地行動,全球連結: 新北市竹圍工作室實習報告


畢業年度 姓名 學位 論文名稱 共同指導
98 沈家如 碩士 黑翅揚起新觀《天鵝湖》之黑天鵝角色的可能性


畢業年度 姓名 學位 論文名稱 共同指導
97 伍致潔 碩士 臺灣現代舞蹈團體的檔案保存與管理之研究——兼論「國家舞蹈中心」建構之必要性 與廖仁義共同指導


畢業年度 姓名 學位 論文名稱 共同指導
110 袁文彬 博士 傳統與記憶:廣東梅州客家傳統舞蹈席獅、杯花和船燈的演變
109 王怡湘 碩士 內在療癒的創作實踐——《致 樂土》
109 李婷安 碩士 從舞蹈畢業製作【我們】探索身體表演之歷程
108 許生翰 碩士 創作論述,解析《我的孤獨排除在你之外》
107 王昱程 碩士 舞蹈構作顧問實踐研究——人類世與因地制宜的舞蹈創作
107 許書銓 碩士 【軀殼】畢業製作——以就地創作探索舞動的身體 與王如萍共同指導
106 鄭伊涵 碩士 「更衣間」探索肢體尋找自我之歷程
105 朱星朗 碩士 寫在【憶逝.意識】之後
105 蔡采晴 碩士 「觀」的體現:以無垢舞蹈劇場肢體開發班經驗為例
104 許程崴 碩士 許程崴 ——【來跳舞吧!】創作報告
103 楊甯 碩士 從 【Life Show】——探索自我身體表演之歷程
101 袋摩道 碩士 開啟、創造空間、轉化——舞蹈-劇場實踐之儀式
98 鄧安琪 碩士 與孤獨同行——探討周書毅舞作中的自我主體意識
96 鄧竹君 碩士 舞作中之意境與生命情懷——試以旅人編舞家張曉雄的三部舞作為例探討生命歷程與舞蹈之關係
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